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Four Questions to ask When Choosing a Private School

Miami private schools

Everyone wants the best schools for their children, but finding the right school can be a daunting task. Not even considering the public schools, the number of private school choices is high. Currently there are 30,861 private schools in the United States. These schools serve approximately 5.3 million students from prekindergarten through the 12th grade. In large cities, private schools enroll 1.5 times as many students as the public schools, and parent satisfaction with private school education is very high. Typically, 80% or more of private school parents teport being very satisfied with the education their children are receiving.

That?s good news, but it is still necessary to find the best middle schools, high schools, or elementary schools for your students and your How Does the School Match Your Family Values?

Religious convictions can of course come into play here, but your family’s values can encompass far more than this. Consider your take on homework. How much do you want your children to be doing? Some parents want their children packing in as much school learning as possible and learning through homework to improve their self-study skills. Other parents want their children to have plenty of time to learn life skills and other intangibles from parents and other adults outside of school. Your family’s personal style could even influence your choice when it comes to starting and ending times. What time does everyone get up? When do parents have to be at work? How far is the school from home or from work? Is there a lunch program, and if so, does it serve meal options you feel comfortable with your child eating? These are all basics to ask when looking for the best schools.

How Does the School Resolve Difficult Issues?

It’s very important to know how the school Will respond when discipline is required. The school’s discipline policy should be clear and direct so that both parents and students always know what will happen. Disciplinary policies can very widely, so it’s worth checking finding a school that will deal with issues in a way that you find positive. Of course, difficulties do not only come up with students! How will the school interact with you? How will they help to resolve issues between parents, if at all? These are important questions when looking for a good private school.

What is the School Doing for its Teachers?

This may seem like the wrong question. Surely your primary concern is what the school is doing for its students? In reality, the way a school treats its teachers can tell you a lot about its culture. Teachers should be held to high standards, but they should also be supported and compensated in a way that encourages and motivates them. There should be opportunities for professional development, and teachers should be collaborating. The teacher to student ratio of each class should be as low as feasibly possible. Of course this is primarily so that teachers can engage individually with every student, but a low ratio also helps to avoid teacher overwork and burnout.

What Does the School Offer in Terms of ?Extras??

These can include after school activities, extra courses in the arts or sciences, and other activities such as chess club. It’s also important to find out what extra academic help to be made available for your child, as well as what the school can offer for children with learning disabilities. The best schools should also have accelerated programs to challenge gifted learners. If considering a high school, it’s also worth asking what they can offer in terms of college prep guidance counseling and tutoring.

whether or not a school Will be one of the best schools for your child depends upon more then simple chart rankings of schools in your area. Take the time to ask the questions you need to find the best schools for your child and your family.

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How This Simple Natural Installation Can Save You Up To 15% On Your Monthly Heating And Cooling Bill


Your home is your castle. When your castle starts looking dull and lifeless, it’s time to invest in a crash course on exterior design to bring it back to its usual self. Experienced landscapers are familiar not just with the ins and outs of building a walkway, but restoring your confidence in your own home. That can mean installing a brand new firepit or just learning how to breathe new life into your backyard’s lawn. If you’re interested in hardscape construction but are still new to the game, the list below will look at some of the most common elements of landscape design to get you started off on the right foot.

The Benefits Of A Well-Constructed Home

Before you consider how to build a walkway, steep yourself in the numerous benefits of a well-constructed backyard or front lawn. Spending a mere 5% of the value of your home on landscaping can boost your resale value by 15%. Not impressed? A recent study by Money Magazine saw landscaping able to bring a recovery value of 100% and sometimes 200% at selling time. These aren’t the only positives that will come hot off the heels of your new koi ponds or front walkways, however. Let’s keep exploring.

Reduce Your Energy Bill With New Trees Or Shrubbery

Energy bills are some of the most notorious drains on the homeowner’s psyche. How can you put a dent in this while still investing your hard-earned cash on landscaping? Installing just a few new trees or shrubbery can save you money and make your home more lovely in one fell swoop. A tree right next to your outdoor air conditioner can increase the unit’s efficiency by up to 20%, with additional plants able to lower your heating struggles and reduce your bills by 15% or more. Not only can shrubbery and trees do wonders for energy, a superior lawn can also help clear out nearby air pollution.

Improve Your Curb Appeal With A Fresh Lawn

If you’re thinking of selling in the future and want to know what else you can benefit from alongside recovery value, you’ll want to look toward a lawn repair service. A lush, green lawn is a great way to improve your curb appeal and reduce the amount of time your home is on the market. Believe it or not, watering your lawn too much can have the opposite effect. The primary nutrient lawns need to flourish is nitrogen, with three to four pounds per one thousand square feet a solid average to go by. Keep off your lawn in dry weather and freezing weather as much as possible to avoid broken stems.

Increase Mobility By Constructing Landscaping Walkways

Do you want to learn how to build a walkway? Reach out to a landscape patio design professional or hardscaping contractor to make sure you do it right. It’s estimated there are over 389,000 landscaping businesses located across the country, so you’ll have no shortage of options to choose from when it comes to picking a pro. Learning how to build a walkway will benefit you twice as much if you pair it with shrubbery or an improved lawn, transforming your home from the outside in.

Getting Started On Your Personal Project

The American landscaping industry is generating some impressive revenue these past few years. It’s estimated it recently hit $73 billion and is only going to get higher from here, with the field growing by an average of 4% year after year without fail. As of today nearly 70% of landscaping projects in the country involve single-family residential homes, with another 25% involving some form of commercial or industrial property. Investing in outdoor fireplaces or learning how to build a walkway will have a positive, long-term financial impact on your home and your life.

Build your castle up bit-by-bit. Invest in experienced landscapers that invest in you.