Are you Looking at Downsizing to a Condo?

A little salt on the scrambled eggs.
Too bitey.
A little pepper in the potato salad.
Too bitey.
The smallest amount of ketchup in the meatloaf.
Too bitey.
The extreme change in her tastes should have served as an early indicator that your mother was changing.
When she finally began showing signs of consusion at the age of 72, however, you knew that something was goin on. When you sat and had along conversation with your father you discovered that he had been seeing signs for months. He did not want to alarm either of his adult age children, though, and so he had kept his concerns to himself.
After that conversation, both you and your sister started considering several possibilities. You suggested that the family consider looking at the memory care options for your mom. You also suggested that there were some affordable condos that your dad might enjoy if he did not want to stay in the big house alone. You did not want to make any big decisions too quickly, but you also know that ignoring the situation would not be helpful. Your sister agreed to check into the memory care location and you offered to check into the condos that might be available.
Condos Are a Great Option for Many of Life’s Transitions
Whether you are looking for a first property investment or you are looking for a way to make the move out of a large family home, condos can be a good transition. Available in a variety of price ranges and in a number of sizes and floor plans, condos for sale across the country might be an option worth checking out.
Consider some of this real estate information about condo and house buyers and the current market:
- Real-estate related Google searches increased 253% between the years 2009 and 2013.
- Estimates indicate that 44% of home buyers looked online for properties before they made their purchase.
- A minor kitchen remodel has an average return on investment (ROI) of as much as 82.7%.
- Deciding on the right realtor is a key to the success of any home buying and selling transaction.
- Year end totals from 2015 indicated that there were 501,000 homes sold in the U.S.
- The value of a home can be affected by as much as 20% based on the quality of the neighborhood school district.
- On average, home owners can get a 100% ROI on the money spent to improve the curb appeal of a home.
- Bathroom additions offer an average of 86.4% ROI.
- Unilke previous decades when home prices were out of reach for many first time buyers, according to 2016 data it is almost 38% cheaper to buy a home than it is to rent a property in the top 100 cities in the U.S.
- You are in control of your purchasing limits when you enter the home buying market. Make sure that you take a careful examination of your financial situation and do not overextend yourself, even if you are able to get more financing.
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