Commercial swing set parts Outdoor basketball hoops Portable aluminum bleachers

The Necessity Of Play And The Importance Of Playgrounds In America

Playground parts have become incredibly varied as the years have passed, from playground climbers to the plastic tire swing to heavy duty swing set parts. For many people, the playgrounds of yesteryear have all but vanished, replaced by the playground parts of today. However, playgrounds are just as important for children in a number of different ways.

For one thing, the children of today are all too often not getting enough physical activity, something that can set them up for obesity and a number of health problems later on in life. Unfortunately, only around one third of all children are getting the daily physical activity that they need (less than half of an hour of high calorie burning activity), and much of it is due to too much screen time. For instance, the typical child is getting up to seven and half hours of screen time, enough that up to two thirds of all parents are worried about how frequently their child or children use technology instead of getting out in the world