The 22 Parties You Most Throw in A Lifetime

We go to a lot of parties. In fact, we’ll probably end up going to at least fifty parties in our lifetime. Then on top of that, there are many different kids of parties out there. Here’s a list of the 22 parties you’ll most likely throw (and need to prepare for with things like party rentals in nj) or attend in your life.
- A Viewing Party/Game Day Party
Get the chips and dip out, it’s time for a viewing party. Whether you’re watching the latest episode is a “must watch” show or watching the Superbowl, this is a party you’ll definitely go to at least once. - Bachelor/Bacherlorette Party
Hopefully, this’ll be your party to throw one day. What type of party you’re having decides which kind of party equipment you’ve got to bring with you. No shame in pulling out the phallic objects for a bachelorette party or bringing a wad of one dollar bills with you to a bachelor party. - Wedding Reception
Then of course, once those parties are over, it’s time to celebrate the big one. This one will demand more planning and party rentals in nj like wedding linen rentals. Ironically, if you went to the first party, you’ll also have to go to a party the next night. This one however is all ages and is a great event to have fun with friend and family. Hold a spot in the electric shuffle line for me. - Sweet Sixteen/Bat Mitzvah/Quinceanera/Debutante Ball
Next, you have the coming of age party. There are many different forms of it. This could involve South American culture, Jewish culture, European culture, or anything else. So, if you’ve got a kid who’s getting up there, it might be time to order some party rentals in nj and throw a party. - Birthday Party
The same could be said if you want to throw a birthday party. Maybe you want to celebrate yourself getting a little older. You want to enjoy the mark of another year in your life or another year in a friend/family member/lover’s life. If it’s a kid, you could get double points for a coming of age party AND a birthday party. - Wne Party
Or maybe you want a slightly more adult party. Maybe you just want to get some close friends together to enjoy each other’s time and a drink or two. You get bonus points if you eat cheese and fruit as well. - Costume/Halloween Party
Maybe you want to dress up a little. It’s fun and festive to throw or go to a costume party. Wear a sex outfit or something that’ll get laughs from all your friends. Just be prepared for the itching and scratching you’ll have to go through for the entire night. - Tea Party
Next, we’ve got a party that’s centered all around a drink (and one that’s non-alcoholic). Maybe it’s a little past noon and you and your friends want to get together and talk. That’s what a tea party is perfect for. Think of it as the daytime version of a wine party. - Christmas Party/New Years Eve Party
Next, we’ve got two of the biggest holiday parties of the year. Get your ugly sweater out and prepare your streamers for the party after that one. These parties are all about eating and dancing, so prepare for both activities (and the tired feeling you’ll have afterwards). - Dinner Party/Pizza Party
Speaking of eating, you’ll also go to a party focused on eating at some point. While the dinner party may be a little stuffy based on who you’re eating with, the pizza party is always a crowd-pleaser. - Sleepover
Next, we have the sleepover. This is usually a party for younger people, but who knows, you may have one when you’re in your adult years. Grab a few pillows/blankets and a good movie and you’re all set. - Pool Party/Cookout
Lastly, it’s great to enjoy the outdoors. Order party rentals in nj like a tent to escape from the sun and have a blast enjoying the cool pool water and the delicious meats cooked on the grill.
There are many parties that we will go to in our lifetime. Some of them’ll be thrown by us and some by others. What’s for sure is that they make our lives a lot more fun.
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