The Favorite Summer Pasttime in America Grilling!

Perhaps one of the most iconic items in an American summer is a grill in the backyard or on the deck as part of a patio set. Summer barbecues or even a simpler dinner on the grill is a staple in many American households, especially in the summertime. And some people even grill all year round, despite colder weather! Indeed, grilling has even become a bit of an art, with plenty of new cookbooks and innovative recipes emerging every year. Grill themselves are changing too. They’ve gotten more advanced and modern, the fuel that makes them work has also changed. Although plenty still use charcoal, some now use gas logs or electricity instead.
How Often Are Grills Used?
Even if you’re a faithful grill user, you might be surprised at how often everyone else uses theirs! Over 60% of those who own grills use them all year round. And around 97% of grill owners have used it in the last year, not just letting it set idle. More generally, 80% of all households have some kind of barbecue or grill.
Certain holidays are also more popular for grilling than others. Fourth of July, Memorial Day, and Labor Day are the most popular. The most popular is Fourth of July, with almost 85% of adults saying they’d barbecued on the Fourth of July and almost 70% having grilled. A little over of 50% of people grilled on Memorial Day and Labor Day, and around 70% of adults said they barbecued on Labor Day. Surprisingly, even the winter or early spring holidays, such as Super Bowl Sunday, Easter, Thanksgiving, and New Year’s are getting some more attention. Having a grilled Thanksgiving dinner (done outside) is getting more and more popular — about 15% of consumers partake in this tradition!
What’s Better: Gas or Charcoal?
Although charcoal used to be the only option for a grill, gas grills are quickly taking over, with over 60% of homes having a propane grill, as compared to over 40% owning a charcoal grill, and only 10% having an electric grill. Although some gas grills are powered using small propane tanks, gas logs — such as natural gas logs — are also popular.
Some people see charcoal as more traditional and appreciate a smokier flavor that comes with using a charcoal grill. Others see the process of lighting a charcoal grill and cooking on it as part of their childhood memories — it can often be a tricky and messy process, especially cleaning up the ash afterward. However, charcoal grills have the benefit of getting extremely hot — hotter than gas grills — which makes them ideal for grilling meats like steaks or lamb chops. However, you can also easily burn the food you’re cooking on a charcoal grill; it takes a little practice.
Gas grills are simpler to use all around and are easier to clean. They also tend to be a bit more multi-purpose. However, they often don’t get hot enough to cook steaks or fish to the desired crispiness and tend to be much more expensive than charcoal grills.
In summary, choosing your perfect grill ultimately depends on what you’ll be mainly using it for.
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