3 Baby Items that Parents Started Using

Let’s be honest. Babies have the sweet life. They get to sleep constantly. Party and stay up all night. They get full and constant attention whenever they demand it. Then on top of all that, they get great products too? The funny thing is, before you know it you might end up using some of the products yourself. That’s when you know you’ve spent too much time around your baby’s things. Here are 3 baby items that are so great parents and other adults use them too.
- Baby Food
That’s right, there are people out there eating baby food. But let’s be honest, you were probably not that surprised. We’ve seen it on tv shows like “Friends” for years now. Some people make a big deal of it, and others enjoy baby food like it’s no big thing. Some enjoy the food as a little snack with a low calorie count, and some get nauseous just thinking about it. To each his own. - Baby Wipes and Lotions
Everyone wishes that their skin could be as smooth as a baby’s. Their soft doughy complexions are ironically the goals of many women (and some men) out there. This shows in how the products we use on baby skin are also things we all love to use on ourselves as adults and as parents. Baby wipes do wonders for removing makeup from our and clearing out some of our pores. In addition, lotions that we normally apply on babies also apply well on our own dryed out skin and protects us from uv rays too. We may not be as smooth as our children, but with these products’s help we are getting close. - Waterproof Mattress Protector
Lastly, kids can pee in their little beds for up to many years after they’ve left the baby phase. In fact, 15% if them wet the bed up to when they are 5 (and some keep going from there). If you don’t want to have to worry about these night time incidents, then it’s best to invest in waterproof sheets. You can start off with baby crib sheets and work up from there if need be. The weird thing though, these sheets are amazingly comfortable and easy to clean. Before you know it, you’ll be buying one for yourself just for the comfort factor, and that’s ok! So get under those waterproof mattress protector sheets, put your head over your pillowcases, and enjoy the sweet relief of comfort.
Parents spend a lot of time with their babies. While it’s true that kids grow up taking and mimicking personality traits they got from their role models (aka us), the parents do some copying too. So enjoy those baby food snack sessions, use those baby wipes to remove your makeup and pursue an ever clearer complexion, and have fun rolling around in your new waterproof mattress protector. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying quality products, so bask in them.
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