Comfort is King with an Adjustable Mattress

We’ve all had a sleepless night here and there, but what about when it becomes a chronic problem? According to the sleep experts at the National Sleep Foundation, chronic pain is a major factor that impacts our ability to get a good night’s rest. Add headaches, anxiety, and sleep apnea to the equation, and we can total up the cost in hours missed from work every year, which is a staggering figure.
Every year, the U.S. loses $63 billion dollars to sleep-related work absences.
A large part of the problem is the manner in which we rest: uncomfortable, aging mattresses are to blame. An adjustable mattress that can raise the head and torso while we rest can prevent breathing problems while asleep as well as create support for ailing upper backs and tired, sore necks. Styles of adjustable beds that allow the user to customize his or her bed height can make a major impact on quality of sleep.
An adjustable mattress will comfort us and allow us to go to sleep more easily. Who has not spent at least 20 minutes trying to “count sheep” to no avail? The experts say that time spent awake in an uncomfortable bed may actually be contributing to our insomnia.
A luxury adjustable mattress can be the best investment to make for physical, emotional, and mental health. Sizes of adjustable beds are standard: twin, full, queen bed, even king size adjustable beds are sold online or in stores. Styles of adjustable beds vary, but a sleep comfort professional can help discover the right make and model for lasting comfort and health benefits.
Craftmatic® Adjustable Beds equipped with optional heat and massage also may provide temporary relief from: • Low Back Pain • Minor Aches and Pains Due to Muscular Fatigue or Overexertion • Edema or Swelling of the Legs • Poor Local Blood Circulation of the Legs • Symptoms of Hiatus Hernia • Nighttime Heartburn • Symptoms of Gastric Reflux • The optional heating accessory provides temporary relief from Mild Arthritis and Joint Pain, as well as Muscle Pain Associated with Stress and Tension • Sleeping in an upright position may Reduce or Ease Light and Occasional Snoring
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