What Does Your Sleeping Position Say?

Your sleep quality could be being hindered by your sleeping position. Getting undisturbed sleep is very important to falling into those sleep realms that will help you to feel well rested and ready to tackle life without feeling tired. So, just picture it, climbing in to your comfortable bed, cuddling down under the blankets, closing your eyes and falling asleep. Only to wake up hours later feeling groggy, irritated and tired. So, let’s talk about your sleeping position and how that might be hindering you from getting a proper nights’ sleep.
There are three main positions that we sleep in. Within those three that are some variables but for the most part we will stick to the main types.
Sleeping on your side
This is the most highly recommended sleeping position. It has been proven to help with insomnia and also with chronic sleep deprivation. The best way to sleep on your side is to bend your knees a little as you are laying down. If you have back problems, you can put a pillow or cushion between your knees and this will help to take the pressure off your hips and back.
Sleeping on your back
Sleeping on your back can actually cause lower back pain, especially if you use a lot of pillows under your head; it puts strain on the spinal chord. Sleep apnea has been known to increase and worsen when sleeping on your back. However, if you can not sleep unless you are on your back, try placing a roll pillow under your knees to help the spine feel more naturally curved.
Sleeping on your stomach
This is the worst sleeping position of them all. The strain that is caused on the spin and back is extremely bad for you. Statistics show that those who sleep on their stomach report the most restlessness throughout the night. If you still must sleep on your stomach, try not to use a pillow so that your neck is not propped up at a weird angle.
Sleeping is an extremely important part of our lives. Getting enough sleep during the night should be a priority. How you feel during the waking hours really depends on how well you have slept the night before.
- Sleep helps your brain to function properly. When you sleep, the brain also rests and prepares for the following day to help you learn and remember. Sleep deficiency hinders activity in some parts of the brain, making it difficult to make decisions and react properly to situations.
- Sleep can also effect your emotional well being. Not getting enough sleep has been associated with certain types of depression as well as suicide and risky behavior.
- Physical health is also affected by sleep. Sleep plays a big part is repairing your heart and blood vessels, thus making heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease and stroke a much higher risk when you have ongoing sleep deficiency.
- Not getting the sleep you need affects your ability to make rational decisions, as mentioned earlier. This can be unsafe for you and for those around you.
Overall, remember that you not only do you need sufficient sleep every night, but you need to lay down in such a way that your body can get the maximum rest it is capable of. You’ll be surprised at how much better your quality of life gets, after following these simple tips.
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