How to Find the Perfect Preschool

Choosing the best preschool can be a daunting task for parents. There are so many important things to consider. Public or private? What kind of educational philosophy should they embody? Should it be all day or part time? The questions can go on and on, so narrowing down to the most important factors is important. To learn more about the five most important questions to think for finding a good preschool, keep reading.
1) Public or Private? When deciding whether or not to pursue private preschool, you should consider a number of factors. First, is there a high performing private preschool in your area? Sometimes, elementary or middle private schools do not actually offer preschool, so you will want to make sure it is an option. Further, consider some of the potential benefits of private preschool. About 80% of private schools are religiously affiliated, so if this is important to you family, private preschool may definitely be the way to go.
2) Is it Close to Home? When figuring out how to find a preschool, you should definitely think local. There are almost 31,000 private preschools in the United States, so more than likely, there is one in your neighborhood. When your child is very young, as they are in preschool, it is especially nice to have them close to home to ease in transportation and make you more available when your child needs you.
3) Does it Offer Extracurricular Activities? It’s never too early for you to start thinking about extracurricular opportunities for your child. One of the benefits of preschool is allowing your child to improve their social skills and learn about the world outside of your home and family. Selecting a school that amplifies these opportunities is ideal.
4) Does it Make You Feel Comfortable? For parents, this is often one of the most important questions. Even though it is not tangible and it is not something you can just research online, it is absolutely essential that your child’s preschool makes you feel comfortable. You will be entrusting them to care for and nurture your child for a several hours every day, and if you feel safe about that arrangement, it will make the experience better for both you and your children.
5) Does the Teaching Philosophy Make Sense for Your Child? Each day, more than 5 million children throughout the United States attend preschool. Each one of those 5 million students has individual strengths and learning needs. You know your child best and have a keen insight into how they learn. Look for a program that capitalizes on your child’s strengths and provides instruction in a way they will respond to.
It is scary for every parent to select the right preschool for their child. Using the five questions above to help guide their search will make the process a little less intimidating and support their ability to focus on what is really important.
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