5 Mistakes That People Make in Custody Court Cases

During a divorce, court battles for child custody can be a huge issue, perhaps because one partner is not playing fair. It is prudent to hire child custody lawyers to ensure your child’s interests are considered.
This video highlights five common mistakes that people make in custody court cases.
The first one is forbidding your partner to see the children. Often, one partner forbids or makes it difficult for the children to see their other parent. Such actions only hurt the child and could lead to you losing your court case.
The second is bad-mouthing your partner. It is a costly mistake to make your former partner look bad in front of your child. If this comes up during your case, it could negatively reflect on you.
The third is making allegations without evidence, if you make claims in court about your former partner, be ready to provide evidence.
The fourth is allowing your children to call other people names such as “mom” and “dad.” If your partner is still alive, you shouldn’t try and teach the child to start placing the ‘parent’ title on other people.
Not being active in your child’s life. Engaging in a court battle when you do not engage actively in your child’s life will most likely help you lose the case.
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