Building Your Dream Home
Are you looking to purchase a new home for you or your family? The real estate market for a new home is booming all over the country. This could be because of the newer features and amenities that are available in new home. Nearly 65% of home buyers list central air conditioning as an important feature for them, according the National Association of Realtors. Home buyers today also want larger homes. They list storage and space as very important, 89% put in laundry rooms. This would be hard to put into an older unit.
Here are some tips for buying a new home.
- Get what you really, really want. Working with a home builder and the architect you can add the features you have always dreamed of having, something you cannot do with an existing home. You are a master chef, this could mean designing your dream kitchen. Maybe you like modern homes. Maybe you want shelter from the sun. In Land O’Lakes, Florida, for instance, they have at least 248 sunny days a year. You can work with them on the materials used and the colors of the walls. The house is your blank canvass. These are some of the reasons the real estate market for a new home is so popular right now. We all want things our way!
- Ask questions. If you tour a model home, you may notice features that you like. Ask if these come with the house you will be buying as opposed to the one they are showing. They want to lure you in to buy a house, that is their job. They are going to make that model home look like th best house ever. Your job is to find out what kind of house you will be getting and how it would be different from the model home.
- Ask for warranty protection. You cannot do this with a used house but you can with a new one. There’s been no one living in it so you cannot blame any flaws in the house on an irresponsible former owner. The new place should come with a warranty to cover the work done and the materials used. Make sure you read all the fine print in any warranty you get.
- Have it inspected. It may seem counter intuitive. After all it is a new house and no one has lived it in to spoil it. But did the builders do their job to meet code specifications? Are the materials the same quality you expected them to be? Are there already cracks in places or sags in others? Having someone who is impartial look the place over will give you peace of mind but also help if you do find anything unusual. You may find yourself needing the warranty after all and this make it easier to enforce it. This is something people do not always mention about the real estate market for a new home.
Now you know how to buy a new home. Go make it yours!
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