Caring For Those Who Protected Our Freedom

In the famous words of President John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address in 1961, “My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” These iconic words still ring true today, as support for military families is a cause that has swept the nation. Americans do so with great pride, and are eager to show veterans and military families their appreciation and support by making charitable donations to a variety of organizations that help military families.
There are many simple, easy, and convenient ways you and your family can show support for military families and veterans. Making charitable donations, specifically clothing donations, are an excellent way to show support for military families. Not only are you helping to support an honorable cause, you are also helping the environment as well. Did you know that the typical American household discards close to 68 pounds of clothing each year? Fabrics such as cotton, polyester, nylon and rayon make up an estimated 5% of all trash found in landfills. Much of this can be recycled and put to better use. In fact, 99% of clothing that is thrown away can be recycled. There are several reputable local and national charities that will pick up clothing donations, in addition to household furniture and other home goods that can be used for helping military families. You can feel confident that you donation is contributing to a safer, cleaner environment but also improving the life of a veteran.
There are so many ways to show your support for military families and veterans alike. However you show your support, know that your efforts are truly appreciated. Read more.
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