How Shopping at Your Local Thrift Shop Can Help Your Community

Chances are you have probably visited a local thrift store at some time in your life. You might have visited it for a Halloween costume, furniture that you could craft based on an online DIY article or even to browse through the available and vintage clothing items for sale. Thrift shops offer a lot of unique items for those looking for something out of the normal everyday shopping stores. A lot of hidden treasures have been found in thrift stores, including great pieces of furniture and clothing items that are at a great discount. Shopping at your local thrift store actually provides many benefits to the community.
Americans consume nearly 20 billion garments a year. That is 68 garments and 7 pairs of shoes per person or more than one piece of clothing purchased per week. Many of these clothing and shoe items will only be worn a couple of times before being retired as out of style or not interesting enough. Those clothing items, however, could be of great interest to someone who has not worn them yet. Many people choose to donate these items and they end up in the Red Cross donation center, for sale. Clothes donations are mostly what make up thrift store shops, but shoppers can find a variety of items for sale of interest and unique style.
When you choose to shop at a Red Cross clothing donations center or thrift store, you are providing necessary funding for those in need. The Red Cross helps out with national emergency funding, disabled veterans and even those who are homeless. Red Cross donations are either given directly to those in need or they are sold for the funds to help these people with additional needs. When you choose to shop and spend your money at the local thrift store, those funds received are being used to employ those helping with the store and is also directly providing funds to those in need.
70% of people in the U.S. give to charity each year. This might be in the form of a Red Cross pickup or in the form of direct money donations. A Red Cross donation center is full of people wishing to donate items, but choosing to shop at the local Red Cross thrift store can also be beneficial to those in need. You can either donate clothing items or purchase other donated items. Non profits continue to do good for the community and the economy. In fact, for 24 hours per day, 265 days a year, the American Red Cross provides relief for families and communities in the form of blankets, food, blood and shelter.
Donating clothing items to the Red Cross donation center can be very helpful to those people in need. However, an additional way to help is by shopping and spending money at the local Red Cross thrift stores. These types of charities also need funds to succeed, as clothing donations are not simply enough to provide for others. People also need food, water and shelter. Spending money at the Red Cross donation center allows them to utilize those necessary funds for additional things.
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