Three Little Known But Important Facts About Clothing Donations

During the winter holiday season, it’s easy to get caught up in the spirit of generosity, kindness, and that general feel-good vibe. After all, it’s contagious, and the air seems to buzz with radiant, positive energy.
It’s during this chaotic time that organizations receive the most charitable donations out of any other time of the year. In preparation for large holiday feasts, events, and parties, and in order to restock food banks, it’s common for donors and volunteers to give non-perishable food items such as canned goods as charity donations during this time of year.
While all kind of donations are accepted — and needed — donating clothing to charity can be particularly beneficial, regardless of the time of year. With spring just around the corner, now is the perfect time to get a jump start on your spring cleaning while giving back to your community by cleaning out your closet.
Here are three of the top reasons why clothing donations are so important.
They fulfill a basic need
Food, shelter, and clothing are considered the three most basic things every human needs in order to live, making clothing donations of the utmost importance. While winter clothing is especially helpful during the colder months, you can donate all kinds and styles of clothing all year long. In fact, business casual and professional attire is always in high demand. Even if you’re short on time, donation pick up services allow you give back at a time that works best for you.
They’re good for you
While donating and volunteering helps those in need, did you know that it can also benefit your own physiology? According to a research study published in June 2014 by the Citizens Advice Bureau, three out of five participants said donating and volunteering helped them to feel less stressed. In addition, four out of five said donating and volunteering helped to improve their self confidence.
They’re good for the environment
Even though 99% of clothing that is thrown away could have been recycled, Americans discard an average of 68 pounds of clothing a year. By recycling or donating unused or unneeded clothing, you’re helping to reduce landfill waste, as well as pollution to the environment. For example, in 2006, a whopping 2.5 billion pounds of fabric were kept from the landfills by used-clothing purchases.
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