A Guide To Picking the Right Kindergarten

There is no tougher choice for parents in the United States than picking the right school for them to attend. Most parents try hard to get a good head start by picking great preschool programs for their child so they can learn at a young age, but the next step of picking the right kindergarten is so difficult for many. This is because most parents are ignorant to what matters and what does not matter. Here is a guide to understanding how to pick from the top private kindergarten schools available.
Right now in the United States, there are more than 30,000 private schools that enroll over 5 million students from the preschool age to seniors in high school. Understand that private schools will make up almost one-fourth of the nation’s schools and enroll 10% of all preschool students to high school seniors. Also, private schools can be really small as just about 85% of them have less than 300 students.
Picking the right private kindergarten may seem like a lot to digest at an early age but understand that it is important for a child to get a head start at a young age. The school system has never been more competitive than it is now as more and more students are trying to apply to colleges than ever before. Understand that kids who attend preschool will do over 20% better on reading and math tests as opposed to children who do not attend.
Private schools have over 1.5 times as much of their enrollment in larger cities as opposed to public schools and yet on average, they are less than half the size of public schools. Between the years of 2011 and 2013, more than 4,000,000 children between the ages of three and four attended a preschool because their parents wanted to get the most for their child. Finding the right private kindergarten is not easy but it is important.
The aspect of a private kindergarten school may seem like a lot but many of the parents that send their children to private kindergarten schools love the results. As a matter of fact, over 90% of all parents said they believe the teachers at the private school their children attend are much more dedicated as opposed to the teachers in a public school. Also, more than 70% of these parents also stated that they believe the private kindergarten school is incredibly safe as well.
Out of all parents that send their children to private kindergarten schools, just about 80% said they are happy with the academic standards of the said school. This is because these classes are smaller allowing for 12 students per each teacher as opposed to 15 students for each teacher at a public school. Three different studies were conducted that revealed that 80% of all children involved in preschool programs outperformed their peers that did not participate in the same programs.
Just about 98% of all 12th graders enrolled in private schools would graduate by the end of the year according to data. On top of this, just about 88% of all private high school students will apply to college whereas only 57% of all public high school students will apply to college. On top of this, over 60% of all private school students will attend college the following fall after they graduate.
In Conclusion
There is no question that even though it costs more, sending a child to a private school comes with so many benefits that can go on to help them in the long run. Whether it be the culture of the private school or the fact that it allows for students to have better interactions with students, a child will be able to succeed in an easier manner if they attend a private school. As mentioned earlier, finding the perfect and right private kindergarten school for a child is not easy but it is so worth it. A child will be able to fully blossom with all of the tools that are provided to children at these schools.
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