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A Look At The Importance Of Play For Crucial Brain Development In Early Childhood

Parks, from the border to border, are hugely important in the United States as well as far beyond it in many other developed countries as well. Parks often contain playgrounds in some area within their border, and these playgrounds are often essential to the healthy development of the brains of children. Some of these playgrounds are expansive and sprawling while other playgrounds will have a defined border. All are crucial, however, no matter the size or the number of pieces of equipment that they contain within border. After all, play is one of the best ways to promote healthy and full brain development in young children, as this is how young brains explore new things and actually learn the best.

Unfortunately, frequent active play is becoming less and less common, with more than half of all parents (two thirds, to be more exact) in the United States alone feeling some anxiety about how much time their children spend using electronic devices like tablets, phones, and televisions