The Importance of Knowing What is in Your Water Source

Do you know what is in your drinking water? When you turn on the faucet, do you ever get any weird colors or smells? Do you flinch as you take a gulp of your faucet water, hoping that it contains clean water? It is time to take control of your home?s water and to find out what you are really drinking. Once you understand what is in your water, you can then take the necessary steps to getting cleaner water.
Take note of any weird smells, colors, or tastes
Your water?s smell, color, and taste can actually tell you a lot about its ingredients. Also, you want to know which problems to correct with home water solutions. There are filtering home water systems that can improve the quality of your water, but first, you have to know what is wrong with it. Take note of any known problems with your water before having any testing done. Write down the smells or colors. You can also take a before sample of water to compare the color, smell, and taste to the newly filtered water source.
Research home water tests
Before you hire a local company to come out and do water testing, it can be informative to first complete a home water test. With many home water tests on the market, you want to find one that meets your testing needs. Are you particularly concerned about weird taste? Do you have a lot of cloudiness in your water? Find a test that is able to find the source of your water problems. Once you have chosen a home water test, run a couple different tests and then compare the results. If there is any concern about the results, then it is probably a good idea to schedule a professional water test.
Schedule a professional water test
There are two types of professional water tests you can use. The first requires that you take multiple samples of your water source and mail it in. From here, you wait for the results. The other option is to hire a local water testing company to come out and test the water for you. Neither option is really better than the other and you will want to choose one based on preference. How comfortable are you with completing your own water tests? Request results from all water sources to get the most information about your water.
Make any necessary changes, based on the results
Once you receive a report of what is in your water, it is important to find solutions. Most water problems can be easily corrected with minor changes, such as home water solutions systems. One of the most common results that you will find from a water test is hard water. Hard water is high in mineral salts, especially in calcium and magnesium ions. Water hardness is measured in grains per gallon, with a degree of hardness ranging from 1 to over 10. In most cases, it is not unsafe to drink some amount of hard water, but it does result in bad tasting water. Installing home water solutions can remove the extra traces of calcium and also improve the taste of the water.
Water makes up about two thirds of who we are, and it influences 100% of the processes in our body. Yet, many people do not drink enough water. In fact, chronic dehydration has been called the hidden epidemic and an estimated 75% of all North Americans are chronically dehydrated. This is often due to the fact that people do not enjoy the taste of their home water source. With home water solutions, you can remove harmful and bad tasting traces of contaminants in your water. With cleaner and fresher tasting water, you will be encouraged to consume more water. Always test your water source to find out what is causing that poor taste, bad smell, or a weird color.
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