Creating an Appropriate Aesthetic Space For Your Place of Worship

Church pews used

As a priest or minister, you are most likely aware that, according to a Gallup poll, the 40% of people residing in the United States who consider themselves to be “very religious” experience a statistically greater level of happiness than less religious Americans. Some portion of this exceptional degree of contentment may be a result of the sense of community within which church going fosters. Though a number of church goers report enjoying and being spiritually moved by services held in churches with the most uncomfortable church furniture, bumpy, hard, prickly, or uneven church furniture is tough on many elderly parishioners. Thus, church furniture restoration is an excellent option when it comes to creating a place of worship where the flock is at ease.

Luckily, installing better, more comfortable church furniture isn’t that difficult. You can buy church pews that are used and then refurbish them in any number of ways. For example, you may prefer cushioned seating on a bench-like framework, or plain wooden church furniture pews that are augmented with hassocks or footrests for those suffering from sciatica or arthritis. The point is that you understand your congregation’s needs better than anyone, and are therefore in the unique position of being able to serve their church furniture needs most appropriately.

Often, there are antique church pews for sale at estate sales or by auction. Antique church furniture is often especially lovely and well put together because each pew was built by hand. Many of these handmade pews are adorned with one of a kind lattice designs. Conversely, a number of antique church furniture pews are purposefully simple, sanded down to the sleek levelness of a glassy beach stone, glazed and polished by a century’s worth of incoming tides.

Because church is such a special place, both physically and metaphorically, in many people’s lives, church furniture should be carefully considered prior to purchase. Church furniture must be an appropriate material representation of the congregation, while at the same time serving the serving aesthetics of the environmental space. More research here:

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