Your Old Jeans Can Benefit Veterans — Here’s How

Did you know that of all the clothing that’s thrown away in the United States each year, 99% of it could be recycled? Chances are, you have some clothes you don’t wear that much anymore, whether because your tastes have changed or because the items no longer fit. Rather than throwing those pieces out, consider donating them to veterans charities. Here are three good reasons why:
Keeping Your Trash to A Minimum
How much trash do you think you produce each day? Believe it or not, the average is an astonishing 4.5 pounds, or about 1.5 tons of solid waste per year. Some things simply can’t be recycled — think banana peels, used tissues, broken coat hangers — but by making charitable donations of perfectly good clothing, you can reduce the amount of garbage that you contribute to the nation’s landfills.
Clearing Out Your Clutter
Think about the last time you moved. It’s likely that, in order to make the move easier, you got rid of a lot of your stuff. We live in a society that encourages consumption, but so much of what we’re exhorted to purchase by the ad agencies and big-box stores is really unnecessary. There’s really no good reason to have 10 or more pairs of jeans, for example. Simplify your life, de-clutter your home, and pare down your clothing to the essentials.
Help Others Who Are In Need
Approximately 80% of donated clothing in the United States will directly benefit the needy — either through direct donation or by raising funds. Veterans charities, in particular, are in need of clothing and other donations. Support for military families — some of whom make the ultimate sacrifice — is something that all Americans can feel good about. Naturally, there are other charities besides veterans charities that will gladly take your clothing and other donations, but consider the difference that a few bags of items that no longer fit can make to those who have bravely served in the military.
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